Open archives of French National Institute for Preventive Archaeological Research

Inrap, created in 2002 in application of the law on preventive archaeology, is a public research establishment under the supervision of the Ministries of Culture and Research. The institute ensures the detection and study of archaeological heritage affected by land development work. Every year it carries out more than 2,000 archaeological diagnoses and around 300 excavations.

Inrap uses and disseminates information to the scientific community and contributes to the teaching and dissemination of archaeology to the public. The diversity of its teams enables it to deploy the entire spectrum of skills in modern archaeological research. It collaborates with the entire archaeological community: many of its researchers are present in joint research units or CNRS laboratories. The Institute also works closely with the international scientific community.

Inrap has made the strategic choice to develop its institutional portal of open archives on the HAL platform. In this way, the institution is in line with the official position of the Ministry of Higher Education and Research, which favours open archives as an instrument of its open access policy.


Latest deposits

Number of notices

18 266

Full text documents

5 656
